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Ayurveda respects your body’s natural rhythms and nurtures healing from the inside out. At Simply Balanced, I will offer tailored guidance to help you balance your body and mind naturally. I'll also incorporate a range of holistic practices to support your journey towards holistic healing.

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Why Naturopathy

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient practice dating back over five thousand years and translates as the 'Science of Life' in Sanskrit. It is recognised as one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. The aim is to nurture a balanced life and longevity. Ayurveda embodies the art of living, enriched by practical wisdom, philosophical depth, and spiritual insight for a harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurveda Approach.

Ayurveda teaches that each person is a microcosm of the universe, with our physical makeup reflecting the five natural elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. This ancient wisdom adopts a holistic approach, integrating physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to achieve optimal health in harmony with nature. Ayurveda recognises our individuality, considering every aspect of life to bring the body and mind into a balanced state. Ayurveda offers a compassionate approach, emphasising the importance of self-love, self-care, and the power of awareness. It provides a framework to help you understand the root causes of health imbalances and guides you toward achieving holistic healing. My service includes tailored advice on addressing digestive issues, enhancing overall well-being, and support to women's health. I will also offer stress and anxiety management techniques, nutritional planning, and a seasonal detox program to promote optimal health and well-being.


Ayurveda addresses digestion issues by promoting optimal digestive health through a balanced diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbal remedies personalised to an individual's unique constitution, ensuring the efficient  food and absorption of nutrients.


Ayurveda encourages a journey of healing through self-awareness and compassion. It addresses the root causes of our health concerns and not the symptons.

Women's Health.

Ayurveda gives a complete and easy-to-follow approach to women's health. It helps balance hormones, supports a healthy menstrual cycle, aids fertility, and boosts overall well-being by tuning into the body's natural rhythms.


Ayurveda considers nutrition fundamental to health and well-being, adapting dietary choices to suit individual constitutions and seasonal changes to encourage balance, digestion, and vitality.

Stress and Anxiety.

Ayurveda alleviates anxiety and stress by harmonising the mind, body, and spirit through meditation, breathing techniques, herbal treatments, and dietary adjustments, aiming for inner peace and resilience.


A seasonal detox is an opportunity to cleanse the body, reset the digestive system, and align dietary and lifestyle practices with the changing seasons. 

Meet Cristina Tosta.

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Cristina Tosta.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Nutrition Consultant.

In my late 20s, I had to undergo a major surgery. After that, my experience at the doctor's office changed utterly. They couldn't make sense of my symptoms with my blood test results. Doctors decided to keep my hormones at a certain level, which impacts my overall well-being. I understood their objectives and was convinced it was the only option.

A decade later, there I was again, feeling seriously unwell, bouncing from doctor to doctor, each visit leaving me more deflated than the last. It took a full year of struggle before they realised my health issues had returned. It pushed me to the edge, leading me to dive headfirst into the world of alternative healing. If you can think of an alternative therapy, I've probably given it a go—from strict diets, all the herbs, and body detoxes to spiritual journeys. While these methods eased some symptoms, the core issue remained untouched until Ayurveda walked into my life and changed it forever.

 Ayurveda gave me a transformative framework for understanding my body, mind and health imbalances. It helped me deepen my self-awareness and embrace a holistic way of living. In this journey, I realised I would like to bring this knowledge to others and offer this ancient wisdom that healed me from the inside out.  That's why I'm here, sharing my story and hoping to light your way into holistic healing, just as it did for me. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we?

Meet Cristina Tosta

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